Bus Timetables

  This service will no longer run from 30/03/2025. For details, please refer to bus service changes.

119 CHORLEY - PRESTON via Chorley Hospital, Farington Moss, Manor Lane, Broadgate (outbound)

Monday to Friday

Notes $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $,SCHOL $,NSCHOL $
SOUTHPORT ROAD,Parklands HS (by) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 15:07 ---- ----
CHORLEY TOWN CENTRE,Bus Station (Stand H) ---- 06:45 07:38 08:52 10:02 11:02 12:02 13:02 14:02 15:12 15:12 16:12
CHORLEY HOSPITAL,Hospital Stop 3 (Stop 3) ---- 06:53 07:46 09:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 15:20 15:20 16:21
BUCKSHAW VILLAGE,Lancashire Drive (by) ---- 07:00 07:54 09:17 10:17 11:17 12:17 13:17 14:17 15:27 15:27 16:28
BENT BRIDGE,Russell Avenue (opp) ---- 07:06 08:01 09:23 10:23 11:23 12:23 13:23 14:23 15:33 15:33 16:35
TOWNGATE,Tesco (Stand D) 06:13 07:13 08:09 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:40 15:40 16:43
BROADFIELD,Earnshaw Drive (by) 06:16 07:16 08:12 09:33 10:33 11:33 12:33 13:33 14:33 15:43 15:43 16:46
FARINGTON MOSS,Lower Field (by) 06:20 07:21 08:18 09:37 10:37 11:37 12:37 13:37 14:37 15:47 15:47 16:52
WHITESTAKE,Whitestake Corner (by) 06:25 07:27 08:24 09:42 10:42 11:42 12:42 13:42 14:42 15:52 15:52 16:57
PENWORTHAM,Millbrook Way South (by) 06:30 07:33 08:30 09:47 10:47 11:47 12:47 13:47 14:47 15:57 15:57 17:03
PENWORTHAM,Manor Lane (by) 06:37 07:40 08:37 09:54 10:54 11:54 12:54 13:54 14:54 16:04 16:04 17:10
PENWORTHAM,St Teresa's Church (adj) 06:41 07:45 08:42 09:58 10:58 11:58 12:58 13:58 14:58 16:08 16:08 17:14
BROADGATE,Terminus (by) 06:47 07:52 08:49 10:04 11:04 12:04 13:04 14:04 15:04 16:14 16:14 17:20
PRESTON CITY CENTRE,Railway Station (opp) 06:50 07:56 08:53 10:07 11:07 12:07 13:07 14:07 15:07 16:17 16:17 17:23
PRESTON CITY CENTRE,Arrival Stand (Stand 0) 06:56 08:03 09:00 10:13 11:13 12:13 13:13 14:13 15:13 16:23 16:23 17:30
Notes $ $ $
SOUTHPORT ROAD,Parklands HS (by) ---- ---- ----
CHORLEY TOWN CENTRE,Bus Station (Stand H) 17:12 18:17 19:17
CHORLEY HOSPITAL,Hospital Stop 3 (Stop 3) 17:22 18:25 19:25
BUCKSHAW VILLAGE,Lancashire Drive (by) 17:30 18:31 19:31
BENT BRIDGE,Russell Avenue (opp) 17:37 18:37 19:37
TOWNGATE,Tesco (Stand D) 17:45 18:43 19:43
BROADFIELD,Earnshaw Drive (by) 17:48 18:46 19:46
FARINGTON MOSS,Lower Field (by) 17:53 18:50 19:50
WHITESTAKE,Whitestake Corner (by) 17:58 18:55 19:55
PENWORTHAM,Millbrook Way South (by) 18:03 18:59 19:59
PENWORTHAM,Manor Lane (by) 18:10 19:05 20:05
PENWORTHAM,St Teresa's Church (adj) 18:14 19:09 20:09
BROADGATE,Terminus (by) 18:20 19:15 20:15
PRESTON CITY CENTRE,Railway Station (opp) 18:23 19:18 20:18
PRESTON CITY CENTRE,Arrival Stand (Stand 0) 18:28 19:23 20:23


  • $ - Operated on behalf of Lancashire County Council
  • $ - Operated on behalf of Lancashire County Council
  • SCHOL - Parklands High School only
  • $ - Operated on behalf of Lancashire County Council
  • NSCHOL - Not Parklands High School
Please note that on a Bank Holiday most bus timetables operate to a 'Sunday' timetable. For further information or details of other holiday periods, please contact the bus operator or contact Traveline 0871 200 22 33 (calls cost 12p per minute plus your phone company's access charge).
